3 Simple Strategies to Shed the Fat from a Fitness Model
Get lean. Stay lean all year round. There is so much information about weight loss these days. But let’s be honest. We don’t want to just lose weight, make the number on the scales go down. No. We want...
View ArticleA Healthy Writer. Write AND Stay Healthy
Morning. Workout is done. Green juice is by my computer. Working. Writing. Creating. Even though I love writing as many who write do, even though I know it’s an essential part of my life and I can’t...
View ArticleDesigned to Adapt. Why any diet is a B.S.
Since I was a kid I was fascinated with foods. The way it affects our bodies, our minds, our emotions, our health, energy, productivity – everything basically. For some reason, I noticed the...
View Article3 Pillars of Successful Weight Loss. No Diets Needed.
Not religious? What about Your Diet Cult? We were sitting in a lounge zone at Ritz-Carlton hotel. I was having my Camel Milk based hot chocolate drink. No sugar added. He was having his Almond Milk...
View ArticleWhen You Feel Like Doing It the Least – You Need It the Most
You know that moment, when you wake up, and you feel like doing nothing. And it’s not that you are tired. You had a good sleep. You feel good physically, emotionally and mentally, but something just...
View ArticleAnti-Anxiety Cure. Immediate Results. Positive Side-Effects.
Life is simple. Most of our problems and troubles are overcomplicated. Most solutions are much easier than we tend to think. Doing my morning walk. I wonder. Did our mind become so bored, because there...
View Article7 Eating Rules for a Lean Brain. Ultimate Weapon of Fat Destruction IS...
I used to think, weight loss and staying lean and healthy is all about diet. I used to think, it’s about exercise. I used to think, it’s about healthy balanced lifestyle. And it is. And it is not. I’ve...
View ArticleHow Your Coffee, Emails And Sex Might Be Failing You
Timing is everything. If we do the right things, we get the results, no matter when we do them, right? Not really… Doing something is definitely better than doing nothing when it comes to our goals and...
View Article3 Simple Strategies to Shed the Fat from a Fitness Model
Get lean. Stay lean all year round. There is so much information about weight loss these days. But let’s be honest. We don’t want to just lose weight, make the number on the scales go down. No. We want...
View ArticleA Healthy Writer. Write AND Stay Healthy
Morning. Workout is done. Green juice is by my computer. Working. Writing. Creating. Even though I love writing as many who write do, even though I know it’s an essential part of my life and I can’t...
View ArticleDesigned to Adapt. Why any diet is a B.S.
Since I was a kid I was fascinated with foods. The way it affects our bodies, our minds, our emotions, our health, energy, productivity – everything basically. For some reason, I noticed the...
View Article3 Pillars of Successful Weight Loss. No Diets Needed.
Not religious? What about Your Diet Cult? We were sitting in a lounge zone at Ritz-Carlton hotel. I was having my Camel Milk based hot chocolate drink. No sugar added. He was having his Almond Milk...
View ArticleWhen You Feel Like Doing It the Least – You Need It the Most
You know that moment, when you wake up, and you feel like doing nothing. And it’s not that you are tired. You had a good sleep. You feel good physically, emotionally and mentally, but something just...
View ArticleAnti-Anxiety Cure. Immediate Results. Positive Side-Effects.
Life is simple. Most of our problems and troubles are overcomplicated. Most solutions are much easier than we tend to think. Doing my morning walk. I wonder. Did our mind become so bored, because there...
View Article7 Eating Rules for a Lean Brain. Ultimate Weapon of Fat Destruction IS...
I used to think, weight loss and staying lean and healthy is all about diet. I used to think, it’s about exercise. I used to think, it’s about healthy balanced lifestyle. And it is. And it is not. I’ve...
View ArticleHow Your Coffee, Emails And Sex Might Be Failing You
Timing is everything. If we do the right things, we get the results, no matter when we do them, right? Not really… Doing something is definitely better than doing nothing when it comes to our goals and...
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